Vintage Window Postcard

Vintage images have a special appeal that makes one feel at home, as these free printable cards demonstrate. Print this card and send this to people you know who are about to celebrate their birthday. Write down a message on the back that will send gladness to the celebrant's heart. These printable birthday cards are a blessing to all those who receive them. They can also be kept for other purposes such as decorations or as part of a memory scrapbook that friends and family will cherish. Print this card out on a high quality photo paper so that it can be a memento that those you care about will treasure for a long time to come.

A Birthday Wish as Timeless as a Red Rose


A timeless red climbing rose loaded with fragrant blooms frames an old iron window. Vintage Window Postcard can remind someone that it is their birthday and to fling open that closed window in their life and reach for something far greater. Send this beautiful and inspirational card to someone special on your birthday calendar. You will love our custom print feature to include those personal words you want to share to let them know you care. With only a click or two with a mouse your personal message or selected clip art can easily be added before you print these free printable cards at home.


Inspiring Birthday Message

Do you know someone that needs some inspiration to look beyond a closed window and reach for the greater things life offers? Vintage Window Postcard offers a lovely photo of a beautiful red climbing rose trailing around an ornate vintage iron gated-window. This postcard is 4x6 so it is the perfect size to frame as a loving reminder keepsake. Plus, these cards are eligible for added images and custom printed personal messages without the wait. All it takes are just a few simple steps. Surprise someone on your birthday card list today with one of these free printable birthday cards.